Old Boys’ Reunion

Addendum to the History and Stories of
Formosa and Area

Prepared and published as part of the Centennial celebration held August 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th, 1980.


Needless to say the event undoubtedly in every way far exceed­ed the fondest expectation of any Formosa Area residents and all of the hundreds of happy people who had roots hereabouts or attended this most unique fun filled weekend.

The named Centennial Committee Members on behalf of all Formosa Area citizens of this very early, truly unique and un­matched community wish to sincerely thank all who helped in any way to bring these four days of festivity to a most success­ful conclusion


The summation of this giant celebration was outlined in detail in our Local weekly newspaper The Walkerton Herald Times and for your information and pleasure we herewith publicize same ver­batum. May it give you happy remembrances of Formosa.


In conclusion, with pride and pleasure we outline a few of the Financial details of this huge undertaking. Total Net Income or financial gain $43,000 from the four day celebration. The pre­determined division of the proceeds after setting up a $2,000 fund for a similar event years down the line, is as follows 40% or $16,000 towards a complete new Formosa Public project, 30% or $12,000 to Formosa Church, 15% or $6,000 to Formosa Lions Club (recreation pad debt reduction), 15% or $6,000 to Formosa Community Centre Board.

Thanks again for your whole hearted participation.
The Formosa Old Boy's Reunion Committee




Treasurer: MARIE HEISZ Publicity: JOAN BORHO Finance: BOB SCHNURR Home Improvement: HARVEY GUTSCHER


Special Events: LLOYD SCHNURR

Registration & Invitations: MARIE HEISZ




Vast Crowds Visit Formosa During Old Boy's Reunion


The Old Boys' Reunion coupled with the Centennial Celebra­tions of Immaculate Conception Church in Formosa and the Formosa Mutual Insurance Company, are now over.


The quiet village of Formosa had for over two years been plan­ning for this gigantic event


The Reunion Committee was overwhelmed by the literal throngs of people who visited the village for, yes -, the largest celebration ever held in Formosa.


Words are indeed difficult to employ which would adequately describe the project and the work that went into it, - determination and co-operation, however are two words one must associate with the hardworking group known as "The Reunion Committee," which were backed by the tremendous support given by the remainder of the community and district, and neighbouring towns.


Individual naming could definitely prove unfair where many are concerned, so one must best comment by saying "Well Done Every­one."


Formosa Mutual Birthday Party


Right from the starting event on Friday, August 1st, it was very evident that the Formosa Old Boys' Reunion 1980, was going to be a resounding success.


Excitement reigned supreme, and every soul present, got into the true spirit of the celebration.


Formosa Mutual Insurance Company celebrated their 100th Anniversary the first day with a complimentary beef dinner com­plete with birthday cake served to over 3,000 policyholders and guests from 12:00 noon until 5:00 p.m.


As persons entered the hall to partake of the delicious beef dinner, catered to by Jonas Bingeman of Kitchener, they were greeted by the smiling girls from the Formosa Mutual office and a gigantic birthday cake measuring 4ft. by 8ft. The remainder of the king-size cake was later served to the children attending the carnival.


Music was provided during the afternoon by the Impression from Port Elgin. Vern Inglis, manager of Formosa Mutual, is indeed to be complimented for the excellent job he did in making the arrange­ment for the Formosa Mutual Fire Insurance Company birthday party, and which was also the largest dinner ever to be served in Bruce County.


Official Opening


The official opening of the Formosa Old Boys' Reunion was held on the ball diamond on Friday, August 1st, 1980, at 8:00 p.m. Ron Lamont of Teeswater piped the guests onto the platform.


In addition to the Old Boys' Reunion Committee, guests included Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Voisin, representing "Roots in the Past," while Deanne Durrer and Louis John Paleczny, represented the other half of the Reunion theme "Eyes on the Future."


Greetings and congratulations were brought from Culross Reeve Lloyd Lamont, from Carrick Reeve Mac Metcalfe and from Federal Government representative Murray Cardiff.


Chairman of the Old Boys' Reunion Committee, Vern Inglis MC'd the event. Father Dentinger led a prayer that brought the large crowds to their feet in praise of our Lord.


As M.P.P. Murray Gaunt officially opened the Reunion, thou­sands of balloons were released into the air, and the Reunion flag was slowly raised.


The most impressive ceremony came to a close as Mrs. Irene Rettinger played 0 Canada on the organ, and the teary eyed aud­ience sang out in loud voice.


Beauty Pageant


Among the many other Friday happenings, the highlight of the day had to be the crowning of "Miss Formosa Old Boys' Reunion."


Fourteen girls were vying for the title, and when the final per­centages were tallied, the crown went to 15 year old Mary Hauck, Congratulations Mary! Miss Hauck was sponsored by the Com­mercial Tavern in Formosa.

First Runner-Up Princess was 16-year-old Loriann Paleczny, who was Miss Bert Ernewein Farms, and the second Runner-Up Princess was 17 year old Michelle Batte, Miss Formosa Garage.


Music for the dance and for the Beauty Contest was supplied by `Locomotion.'


Selected as judges for the Pageant were Mr. Dan Fischer, morning-man from CKCO Radio, Kitchener; Miss Susan Deeks, Waterloo, who is Miss Kitchener-Waterloo, and Miss Oktoberfest from 1978; Mr. Steve Kidd of Mutual Life of Canada, Waterloo; Mrs. Cathy MacTavish of Sunar Industries, Waterloo, and Mr. Larry Anstett, sports reporter from the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, Kitchener. Adjudicator for the event was Mr. Robert Beninger of Kaufman Footwear, Kitchener; and Hostess for the girls was Ms. Linda Peever of Stratford. Mr. John Thompson of Waterloo acted as co-ordinator for the Pageant and served as Master of Ceremonies for the stage appearances.


Mary Hauck was officially crowned "Miss Formosa Old Boys' Reunion" and presented with her winning sash by Miss Susan Deeks, the 1978 Miss Kitchener-Waterloo and Miss Oktoberfest.


Saturday Events


Day 2 saw the streets bustling by 7:00 a.m. Did some ever see bed? Each morning Herb Kuntz and his clean-up crew faith­fully had the whole town spotless in very short order. Each morning as well, the food booths opened, offering coffee and nourishment to those just 'retiring' or awakening. One of the gentlemen from the Walkerton C.B. Club, who were on security duty for five nights commented that "Joan, in charge of food booths was surely one of the last persons leaving each night."


Historic Parade

The highlighting event on Day 2 had to be the Reunion Parade under chairmanship of Ron Kuntz, formed at the south end of the village, winding through the streets ending in the parking lot at the rear of the Community Centre where the final judging of the sev­eral hundred floats took place.


Parade Winners


Horse drawn float - 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Weber; 2nd, Knights of Columbus, driven by Jim Cronin, owned by Cyril Spitzig.

Comic float - 1st, Ridgetown Fire Dept.; 2nd, Formosa Tavern.

Most original or unique - 1st, Formosa Church, created by Jim Rich Family; 2nd, Nick Lang's Square Dancers.

Best decorated - 1st, Formosa Niners Ball Team; 2nd Jim Goetz and Family.

Service Club - 1st, Formosa Senior Citizens; 2nd, Formosa Lions Club.

Antique Equipment - 1st, John Benninger's 1918 Rumely Tractor; 2nd, John Benninger's 1919 Titan Tractor.

Antique - 1st, 1931 Packard, owned by Ron Wallace; 2nd, 1906 Cadillac, owned by Berton Pinder.

Best outfitted saddle horse and rider - 1st, Walkerton Saddle Club, Anita Ball and Oscar Tanner; 2nd, Mrs. Eileen Voisin.

Best Clown - 1st, Tim Kennedy; 2nd, Dunn Family.

Best Overall Entry - Walter Schnurr & Family, Bit of Agriculture, which received the Molson's Trophy.


Largest Ever


The Reunion Theme, "Roots In The Past - Eyes On The Future" was evident throughout the parade. Representing the portion 'roots in the past' were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Voisin of Formosa, the portion 'eyes on the future' were depicted by Deanne Durrer and Louis John Palaczny.


Open convertibles carried other such dignitaries as the Old Boys' Reunion Committee Chairman, Vern Inglis; and 'Miss Formosa Old Boys' Reunion, Mary Hauck, as well as her Princesses Loriann Paleczny and Michelle Batte, and the other eleven contestants each in a separate convertible.


Judges for the parade were: Molson's representative Don Antel, Mrs. Joyce McEwen, former Formosa kindergarten teacher; Myles O'Donoghue, former resident, and Formosa teacher, Vince Kraemer. MC's for the parade were Ron Hill and Clare Kraemer.


The parade was the biggest ever in the history of Formosa, with some 300 entries taking part, and about a two-hour viewing from any given point. The streets were jammed with spectators, and it was obvious that they, as well as the participants, 'enjoyed every minute.'


The weatherman on the whole was quite co-operative with the committee, with the exception of this day when the rains came down minutes after the parade, causing a delay in the bed race, slated to happen immediately following.


Bed Race


Nineteen entries were posted for the Bed Race, - a 3/4-mile jaunt from the Commercial Hotel (at the south end of Formosa) to the Formosa Tavern (north end of Formosa).


  The winning team, who made the trip in two minutes, 53.65 seconds, was comprised of Jack Reinhart, Ron Schnurr, Paul Wettlaufer, Joe Batte and Richard Batte.


The second-place entry, with a time of three minutes, 1.59 seconds was made up of Mervin Freiburger, Morris Freiburger, Parade Winners


Horse drawn float - 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Linus Weber; 2nd, Knights of Columbus, driven by Jim Cronin, owned by Cyril Spitzig.

Comic float - 1st, Ridgetown Fire Dept.; 2nd, Formosa Tavern.

Most original or unique - 1st, Formosa Church, created by Jim Rich Family; 2nd, Nick Lang's Square Dancers.

Best decorated - 1st, Formosa Niners Ball Team; 2nd Jim Goetz and Family.

Service Club - 1st, Formosa Senior Citizens; 2nd, Formosa Lions Club.

Antique Equipment - 1st, John Benninger's 1918 Rumely Tractor; 2nd, John Benninger's 1919 Titan Tractor.

Antique - 1st, 1931 Packard, owned by Ron Wallace; 2nd, 1906 Cadillac, owned by Berton Pinder.

Best outfitted saddle horse and rider - 1st, Walkerton Saddle Club, Anita Ball and Oscar Tanner; 2nd, Mrs. Eileen Voisin.

Best Clown - 1st, Tim Kennedy; 2nd, Dunn Family.

Best Overall Entry - Walter Schnurr & Family, Bit of Agriculture, which received the Molson's Trophy.


Largest Ever


The Reunion Theme, "Roots In The Past - Eyes On The Future" was evident throughout the parade. Representing the portion 'roots in the past' were Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Voisin of Formosa, the portion 'eyes on the future' were depicted by Deanne Durrer and Louis John Palaczny.


Open convertibles carried other such dignitaries as the Old Boys' Reunion Committee Chairman, Vern Inglis; and 'Miss Formosa Old Boys' Reunion, Mary Hauck, as well as her Princesses Loriann Paleczny and Michelle Batte, and the other eleven contestants each in a separate convertible.


Judges for the parade were: Molson's representative Don Antel, Mrs. Joyce McEwen, former Formosa kindergarten teacher; Myles O'Donoghue, former resident, and Formosa teacher, Vince Kraemer. MC's for the parade were Ron Hill and Clare Kraemer.


The parade was the biggest ever in the history of Formosa, with some 300 entries taking part, and about a two-hour viewing from any given point. The streets were jammed with spectators, and it was obvious that they, as well as the participants, 'enjoyed every minute.'


The weatherman on the whole was quite co-operative with the committee, with the exception of this day when the rains came down minutes after the parade, causing a delay in the bed race, slated to happen immediately following.


Bed Race


Nineteen entries were posted for the Bed Race, - a 3/4-mile jaunt from the Commercial Hotel (at the south end of Formosa) to the Formosa Tavern (north end of Formosa).


  The winning team, who made the trip in two minutes, 53.65 seconds, was comprised of Jack Reinhart, Ron Schnurr, Paul Wettlaufer, Joe Batte and Richard Batte.


The second-place entry, with a time of three minutes, 1.59 seconds was made up of Mervin Freiburger, Morris Freiburger, Philip Grubb, Mark Pletsch and Robert Metcalfe.


A pre-run competition between the CKNX "Try Hards" and the Reunion Committee had to be defaulted to the "Try Hards" when Reunion members got separated during the rainstorm.


Reinhart's Country & Western Group provided music during the afternoon and early evening.


Saturday's dance was switched to the Mildmay-Carrick Rec­reation Complex because of the weather, - this was one of the 'little' precautions taken by the committee during their planning sessions, namely to 'book' the Mildmay facilities far enough in advance in case the weather did turn inclement. The "Midnight Express" pro­vided the music in the (Arena) section, while (hall) section saw dance music by the "Glen Boyd's Orchestra."


Church Centennial

Immaculate Conception Roman Catholic Church, Formosa, marked its 100th Anniversary on "Day 3", Sunday, August 3, 1980, with a "Latin Mass" at 10:30 a.m.


The church was overflowing, as 1,200 people attended to hear the first Latin Mass to be said in Immaculate Conception church in at least 15 years.


The chief celebrant and homilist of the Mass was Father Michael Kieffer, who was born, raised and educated in this parish, before he entered the Seminary. He is a member of the congre­gation of the Resurrection and is presently stationed at the Mother House of the Community in Rome.


Formosians thank him for taking time to come home and cel­ebrate this Mass with his relatives and friends. Organists for this special event were Mrs. Marie Heisz and Mrs. Irene Rettinger. Gui­tarist was Frank Weiler.


Under direction of Mrs. Marlene (Zettel) Vernue, the former Latin choir of Formosa years ago, provided the beautiful singing. Lectors were Vern Inglis, Miss Christine Kraemer and Andrew Schnurr.


Cornerstone Opening


At 2:30 p.m., the official opening of the Immaculate Con­ception Church cornerstone took place. Father Frank Dentinger, pastor of Formosa, showed the gathering the contents of the stone and suggested the articles be put back into the stone upon its closure. Mr. Herb Kuntz outlined a brief history and explained the difficulty with which the stone was removed.


Centennial Mass

The procession which began at school then proceeded into church for the "Centennial Mass of Thanksgiving." Following the altar boys and the Reunion Committee, were the Knights of Columbus, the Priests, and the Bishop. Sixteen priests concelebrated Mass with the chief Celebrant, the Most Reverend Paul F. Reding, Bishop of Hamilton Diocese.


His Excellency delivered a most beautiful homily, something for which he is well known. Some 900 attended this Thanksgiving Mass. Mrs. Marilyn Grubb was the organist, with the singing done by the Formosa Choir, under the direction of Sister Jeannette Montage and Sister Helen Schwan. Lectors included Clare Kraemer, Mrs. Joan M. Borho and Vern Inglis.


At the closing of Mass, Father Robert Liddy, Provincial Superior, spoke highly of Formosa pastor Father Frank Dentinger, and the congregation showed their love and respect for Father Dentinger with a long-standing ovation.


Father Dentinger, in response, expressed his thanks to the many who made the Church Centennial possible, and to all that partici­pated in the service.


Following the 3:00 p.m. Mass, a special dinner, compliments of the Formosa Catholic Women's League was held in honour of the 100th Anniversary of the Church, and special guest, Bishop Reding.


Father Dentinger MC'ed the occasion, and the following people brought greeting and congratulations to the Immaculate Conception Church: Mr. Roy Weiler brought greetings from the Knights of Columbus; Sister Paula spoke on behalf of the Sisters of St. Joseph; Sister Jeannette brought congratulations from the Sisters of Notre Dame; Mrs. Joan M. Borho, representing the Reunion Committee, expressed to Father Dentinger the love the committee and Formosa People have for him. She stated, Father Dentinger belonged to Formosa, no matter who else claimed him, whether it be the Sisters of St. Joseph or the Sisters of Notre Dame.


Father Robert Liddy, Provincial Superior, brought greetings and congratulations, as did Father F. Scinto and Father C. Siegfried, dear friend of the pastor, who spoke very kindly of this parish in which he was born and of its pastor.


Guest of honour, Most Reverend Paul F. Reding, expressed his appreciation for the strong faith shown in this Parish of Formosa in the past years and present times


Over the years, from the Immaculate Conception Parish, 27 priests and 58 sisters chose to serve in the special ministry of God. This indeed shows that the Formosa people have a deep faith and a great love of God.


Father Dentinger closed a most enjoyable evening, wishing everyone a pleasant good night.


Memorial Mass


An open-air Memorial Mass was celebrated on Monday, the 4th, at 11:00 a.m., in the resting place of Formosa's Forefathers. The chief celebrant and homilist of the Mass was Rev. Cornelius Siegfried, a priest of the Congregation of the Resurrection, and until last year, the President of St. Jerome's College. Father Sieg­fried was born in the Formosa parish.


About 400 attended this service, with music being heard from the Formosa Folk and Traditional Choir. Lectors were Mrs. Joan M. Borho, Clare Kraemer and Andrew Schnurr.


School Reunion

A well-attended school reunion took place on Sunday. The former teachers were on hand to bid welcome, and old friends met for the first time in years. Over one thousand former school­mates and teachers (some a little teary-eyed) enjoyed this get-together, midst the kissing and laughter.


Beard Growing Contest


The Beard Growing Contest drew a large number of entries and it was a difficult choice indeed for Judges Doug Beattie of Molson's, Ross Harrison of Mildmay, and Mrs. Karen Weber of Clifford.

There were 43 entries in the Full Beard Category, - and when the dust settled, it was Bill Borho of R.R. 1, Formosa, who was acclaim the "best". Henry Hauck was the runner-up in this huge class.


There were 11 entries in the "Coachman" division, with first place going to Wilfred Schefter, and Rod Furness in 2nd place.


There was only one entry in the "Goatee" category, but had there been 100, the school children knew their principal John Liptay was bound to win. Thirty entries were up in the "Moustache Divsion" with Joe Bohnert placing first and Doug Durrer second.

All first-place winners were recipients of a silver stein from Molson's, with 2nd place winners receiving a ceramic stein.


All in all, the contest was a big success, and now the fellows will likely be shedding that "Extra growth".(no doubt some children have forgotten just what Dad looked like prior to stubble growth).


Talent Show

More than 2,000 watched, as over 50 participants took part in the grand show, MC'ed by `Sparky' Weiler. The Judges were Mrs. John (Marj) McKenzie, Art Kauh and Adi Tunkl. The winners in the Amateur Division were, - Millea Trio, Paula Hale, Wanda Colvin and Brenda Lamont. In the Professional Division, - Nick's Mixers, Ken Schaefer, Paula Hale and Bruce Lang. In the Novelty Division, Calvin Sisters, "Swamp Stompers" and the McMichael Sisters.


Pajama Parade


The streets of Formosa again at about eleven o'clock filled up "literally shoulder to shoulder" with happy people to form into a mile long Pyjama parade. It was a fine preview to the immense crowd that gathered for the Midnight Dance that was held on the recreation pad. The "Midnight Express" band furnished the music for this outdoor "hop" lasting until 4:00 a.m., when the sun began to rise before the last party-goers and workers headed home for a little "much needed" shut eye.


Monday Children's Parade


The Children of Formosa and area had a day of their own on "Day 4", Monday, August 4th, which started out with a parade that commenced at the Lloyd Kuntz parking lot and ended at the Ball Diamond. The parade was a delight to watch, with over 100 entries. Judges for this very important event were three teachers from Immaculate Conception School: Sister Jeannette, Mrs. Helen Prezil-Fritz, and Mr. Bill King.


Winners were: Best decorated tricycle - 1st Mark Schnurr; 2nd, Mike Rubick.

Best decorated bicycle - 1st, John Freiburger; 2nd, Jamie Heisz; 3rd, Brian Weishar.

Best decorated baby buggy with someone inside - 1st, Leanne and Carolyn Batte; 2nd, Angela and Dan Freiburger; 3rd, Allison and Sammy Heisz.

Best decorated doll buggy - 1st, Suzanne Rubick; 2nd, Charlene Ditner; 3rd, Carla Lang.

Best decorated motor vehicle (2 wheels) - 1st, Jamie Vernue 2nd, Paul Vermue; 3rd, Jena Watteel.

Best decorated motor vehicle (3 wheel) - 1st, Doug Kuntz; 2nd, Danny Weiss and Grandchildren.

Best clown over 10-years-old - 1st, John Kuntz; 2nd, Craeg Benninger; 3rd, Murray Benninger.

Most original costume for boys - 1st, Nikki Reichenback; 2nd, John Zettel; 3rd, Keith Grubb.

Most original costume for girls - 1st. Sherry Henhoeffer; 2nd, Dianne Murray; 3rd, Tricia Zettel.

Most unusual entry - 1st, Kim Durrer and Tammy Kuntz; 2nd, Tony Batte; 3rd, Carl Schnurr.


Children's Carnival

For each of the four days, the Children's Carnival was a very busy spot. Kathy Benninger supervised this zone, which was in the enclosed area of the ball diamond.


Candy floss and popcorn, balloons and pennants were popular items featured at the music-filled and colourfully decorated Carnival.


Thirteen games were erected with lovely prizes to be won. The games were carefully constructed by Alf Kuntz and Bill Borho, and were truly the highlight of the Carnival.


The children had the opportunity to enjoy a show put on by the Owen Sound Children's Clown Band.


A thrilling "Soap Box Derby" drew large crowds, as those children with the daring of big time race drivers, took to the road.


Winners in this breath-taking event were: Girls, 12-14 yrs. -1st, Lisa Borho; 2nd, Bonnie Schnurr.

Boys 12-14 yrs. - 1st, Kevin Inglis; 2nd, Doug Weber; 3rd, Tim Borho.

Girls 9-11 yrs. - 1st, Debbie Reinhart; 2nd, Carolyn Hehn; 3rd, Marlene Schnurr.

Boys 9-11 yrs. - 1st, Paul Liptay; 2nd, Carl Weber; 3rd, Mike Inglis. Girls 6-8 yrs. - Paula Rich

Boys 6-8 yrs. - 1st, Dave Weber; 2nd, Robert Rich; 3rd, Tim Kuntz.


Following the Soap Box Derby, several members of the Saugeen Flyers Model Airplane Club thrilled the crowds at Formosa, with the many antics performed by their radio-controlled model planes.


This event was enjoyed by the young at heart as well as the young in years, thanks to Art Lobsinger.


Ladies’ Nail-driving


A "Ladies Nail Driving" contest was held in the Palace Gardens on Monday, with Mrs. Winnie Huber taking home a Molson's Award when she placed first after driving her nail into the board in 7 strokes .


Placing 2nd with 8 strokes was Mrs. Joan Bester and she too was awarded with a prize from Molsons.


Meanwhile the men were busy with a "Log Sawing Contest" and here the team of Vic Lang and John Garland took top honours, - the entry of Wilbert Phillippi and Tom Chisholm was 2nd.


In the "Tug of War" Competition, the entry from Carrick Town­ship was declared the victors when they defeated Culross Township. Each member of the teams was awarded with individual trophies by Molsons.[E1] 


The "Horseshoe Pitching Contest" was also another "Full" entry with competition very keen throughout the day.


Placing first was the team of Lloyd Venner and Aizona Harburn and the 2nd place entry included Lorne Cassidy and Harold Cassidy. Each received Molson Trophy awards.

The 3rd place team of Ralph Kroeplin and Ken Kroeplin were presented with the Frank Durrer (Mildmay) Trophy.

The 4th place entry of Lorne Durrer and John O'Malley were presented with the Station Tavern (Mildmay) Trophy.

And the 5th place team of Bob Church and Ron Benninger received the Don Hehn Concrete Trophy for their efforts.


Home Decoration Competition


The citizens of the community of Formosa were encouraged to decorate their homes. Mr. Geo. Gear, former agriculture repre­sentative for Bruce County, judged the homes on the Saturday and Sunday before the reunion. Mr. Gear reported that the homes and grounds of Formosians were beautiful and well-kept.


At the official opening ceremonies the following were pre­sented with Molson's plaques and cash prizes


For the village: 1st, Frank and Helen Gfroerer; 2nd, Louis and Janice Paleczny; 3rd, Joe and Kathy Benninger.

For the country: 1st, Ron and Betty Kuntz; 2nd, Bill and Marie Zettel; 3rd, Harvey and Pat Gutscher.



The ladies of the community made and donated crafts to be sold at the Reunion.


Mrs. Marie Heisz and Mrs. Stella Rich report the treasures were in great demand.


The articles were well-made and reasonably priced. By the end of the Reunion everything was sold out, a credit to the talented and "Crafty" Formosa ladies.



A registration and souvenir booth was a popular spot. There are very few items left as visitors were most anxious to take home a remembrance of the Reunion. Those famous blue T-Shirts are completely sold out, with 1,000 happy persons now wearing one.


Leisure Hall


The Formosa Senior Citizens manned the Leisure Hall during the Reunion.


Inside its doors were two floors of beautiful, handmade quilts and crafts, as well as an antique display.


The Senior Citizens, under Mrs. Loretta Schmidt's guidance, served coffee and cookies, and were noted for their pleasant smiles and helpful ways.




Each afternoon during the Reunion a delicious barbecue was held.


Harry Opperman, Chairman of the Barbecues, reports that all meals were successful. Unfortunately, they were sold out long before the larger than expected, and hungry crowds were able to purchase a ticket. Saturday featured pork, Sunday - beef, and Monday - chicken.


Trip Draws Held


A number of draws were held in conjunction with Formosa's Old Boys' Reunion.


The top prize of the weekend was a 7 Day Trip for Two to The Bahamas (or $1,000.00) which was won by David Detzler of Streamstown, Alberta. (David sold his own ticket).


Runner-up prize was a 3 Day Trip for 2 to Nashville to the Grand Ole Oprey (or $500.00) which was won by Roy G. Pennington of R.R. 2, Teeswater. (Seller of this lucky ticket was Ronald Kuntz)


Other draws included a "Umbrella Lady Quilt" which was donated by Mrs. Kay Schill and won by Wendy Ball of  Boehmer St., in Kitchener.


The "Church Centennial Bedspread" donated by Mrs. Stella Rich, was won by Sheila Montague of  Talbot St. in London, Ont.


A "Crocheted Bedspread" donated by Mrs. Francis Weber was won by Mrs. Brigitte La Flair of Teeswater.


The "Lady's Watch" donated by Anstett Jewellers of Walk­erton, was won by Alice Lordz of Formosa and the "Man's Watch„ was won by Millie Blackwell of Teeswater.


Two draws in connection with the Children's Carnival were "Miss Piggy" (Guessing the number of sunflower seeds in a jar) and was won by Mike Bonneveld of R.R. 2, Walkerton, and the "Big Dog" prize went to Marg Durnin from Hamilton.


Official Closing


The official closing ceremonies took place on Monday at 8:00 p.m.


Father Dentinger led a prayer of thanks to God for a success­ful and safe weekend.


Reunion Chairman Vern Inglis thanked the people attending for their support, and those working for their efforts and time, without both groups there would be no reunion.


The many draws were made by the Reunion Queen Miss Hauck, and 0 Canada was sung, accompanied by Mrs. Irene Rettinger.


The community centre with bar facilities provided a restful spot for visiting.


Bob Schnurr did a fantastic job organizing all the dances and beer gardens.


Dairy Princess Competition


During the dance on Monday evening, the Bruce County Dairy Princess Competition was held, in conjunction with the Formosa Old Boy's Reunion.


  A Paisley area girl, Brenda Pope, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Pope, R.R. 4, Paisley, was crowned Dairy Princess.


1876 - Replacing Cornerstone – 1980


Under the direction of Father Frank Dentinger, C.R. Pastor of our Historic Church, a number of unique artifacts were assembled to be placed in a sealed lead sleeve in the original cornerstone. The container being placed in the niche chiseled in the top of the stone.


The original Queen Victoria coins 1872 — 50˘, 1875 — 25˘, 10˘, 5˘ as well as the front page of Katholishe Volks Zietung - Sept. 16, 1876 printed in Baltimore U.S.A. and mailed to Rev. Father Elena were again enclosed. The following additional items were added and will hopefully be removed at the next hundred jahriges ubilaum.


Queen Elizabeth II 1980 — $1.00, 50˘, 25˘, 10˘, 5˘, 1˘, 1981 Diocese of Hamilton commemorative Medal, Formosa and Area History and Stories, Complete coverage of Formosa 1980 Cele­bration as outlined in Walkerton Herald Times, Centennial Bro­chures, Latin Mass, Centennial Mass and Outdoor Memorial Mass. Photo copies of current business cards from our area as follows -Formosa Mutual Insurance Co., Formosa Spring Fish Co., Formosa Spring Water Co., Bank of Montreal, Vern Inglis Insurance, Herb Kuntz Insurance, Commercial Tavern, Formosa Tavern, Arts Auto Body, Rettinger Meat Market, Batte Meat Market, Palace Gardens, Oberle's Store, Weiler's Store, Keip's Plumbing, Wally's Electric, Brick Electric, Opperman Electric, Great Formosa Buttons, Er­newein Rutabaga, Mike's Backhoe, J. Waechter Construction, Benninger Photography, Weiler's Dimensions, Harold Kuntz Garage, Ron Hundt Garage, Lloyd Kuntz Feeds, J. Heisz Accountant, Frank's Antiques, Front page Aug. 1, 1980 Mildmay Gazette, For­mosa Mutual, St. Jos. Aid Society and Formosa Church Financial Statements of 1979.

A small vial of current seeds as planted for 1980 harvest, Pequis Barley - Len Weiler, Stormont Oats - John Kieffer, Herta Barley -Albin Weber, Co op sileage - Walter Schnurr, Grain Corn - Alf Schnurr, L. Swede Turnip - B. Ernewein, Trefoil - H. Kuntz, German Head Lettuce - Hilda Kuntz.


Pictures of original pioneer farm homes, Bill & Marie Zettel -1852 Andrew Zettel, Henry Hauck - 1852, Philip Hauck, James and Stella Rich - 1852 Christian Rich. Formosa Log Church, Buggies and Carryalls in use 1900 Formosa Centennial 1980 crowds, Latin Mass, Formosa Church with new flags and poles. Best decorated homes Ron and Betty Kuntz, Jim and Marie Zettel, Harvey and Pat Gutscher, Frank and Helen Gfoerer, L. and J. Paleczny, J. and Kathy Benninger. Bearded Bill Borho with Mary Hauck the Centennial Queen.



