Clubs and Organizations
For many years the Parish had a very active Young Ladies' Sodality, and later on a C.Y.O. which held
socials, had a softball team, entered speaking contests and visited many neighbouring as well as city C.Y.O. meetings.
In more recent
years the youth had a bowling team, went ice-skating and roller-skating, donated toys
to Children’s' Aid and do volunteer work in the village and at the Recreation Facility.
While Father
Magnus Strauss was assistant Pastor in Formosa, 1945 to 1948 he organized a boys' club.
Meetings were held in the old Stone School building. Father directed the boys in
sports and in putting on concerts for the local people and
also in some of the neighbouring villages.
Pictured here is a group of the boys who put
on a minstrel show in April 1947, directed by Father Strauss.
Back row: Gerald Flachs, Ed Poechman, Harold
Meyer, Philip Obermeyer, George Rettinger,
Gerald Rich, Donald Rettinger, Robert Gfroerer, Frank Heisz, Norman
Middle row: Harold Kieffer, Howard Poechman, Gerard Flachs, Allan
Kuntz, Gerald Borho, Jim
Rich, Bill Lehman.
Front row: Robert Weiss, George Brick, Harry
Obermeyer, Norbert Rich, John Heisz. Len
Kieffer, Bill Gutscher, Alf Kieffer, Edward Brick
In 1934 a group
of 20 ladies from our immediate area formed into a weekly card club. The group called
themselves St. Mary's Club. On a given evening of each week they would gather at the
home of one of the members to play euchre. A fee of 10 cents from each player was collected and
put into a
Each year this
group purchased many items for use in our parish church. The hostess for the evening would be
required to supply a lunch and prizes for the guests. Sets of tables and chairs were moved from home to home to accommodate the
weekly event.
St. Mary's Card Club Members at
one of their yearly picnics.
Back row: Mrs. Philip Flachs,
Mrs. Philip Obermeyer, Mrs. Frank Strauss, Miss Gertrude Flachs,
Mrs. Leo Weber, Mrs. Edgar Lehman, Mrs. Joe Ernewein,
Mrs. Joe Weber, Mrs. Eugene Kuntz. Mrs. William Schill,
Mrs. Charles Waechter.
Front row: Mrs. Oswald Beingessner, Mrs. Val Weiler,
Miss Gertrude Schnurr, Mrs. Ed. Weiler, Mrs. Ed. Meyer, Mrs. William Hundt,
Mrs. Chris Schnurr, Mrs. Frank Lane,
Mrs. Frank Oberle.
The Immaculate
Conception, Formosa, Catholic Women's League, was organized on November 30th, 1952. Mrs.
Val. Weiler, who was instrumental in getting the League
organized here, was elected its first President. On December 14th, 1952, they
received their Charter. Beginning with 45 members, they now have 200.
The Formosa
C.W.L. raises funds by catering to banquets and wedding dinners, holding an annual
bazaar in May and a cold plate supper in July. In October,
1979. they served a hot turkey dinner to almost 500 people, donating all the profits to
the new Formosa Recreation Facility.
The C.W.L. has
made large contributions toward repairs and improvements to the church and rectory, and to
many charities both local and farther afield.
On April 30th,
1978, the C.W.L. held the celebration of their 25th Anniversary. Mass of Thanksgiving
had Rev. Paul F. Reding, D.D.,
Bishop of Hamilton
Diocese, as chief celebrant, assisted by the pastor Rev. Frank Dentinger, Rev. Otto Haefele
and Rev. Gerald Rich C.R. A banquet followed at the Formosa Community Hall.
Guests were welcomed in church and at the banquet by Mrs. Kathy Benninger, President.
Two members
have been honoured with Maple Leaf Service Pins —Mrs. Val Weiler
on May 4th, 1975 and Mrs. Hilda Kroeplin on April
30th, 1978. On that
date, at the Anniversary Mass, thirty-three Charter Members were presented with 25-year pins.
The 1st Formosa
Brownie Pack and the 1st Formosa Girl Guide Company came into existence in
1966 through the sponsorship of the Catholic Women's League. At the first
enrolment thirty-one Girl Guides and sixteen Brownies received their pins.
The First
Formosa Cub Pack and First Formosa Scout Troop were formed in September 1975.
There were 36 Cubs and 10 Scouts in that first year.
The Holy Name
Society was formed in Formosa Parish many years ago. Its aim is to foster real
respect among the men for the name of God. THE ST. JOSEPH'S AID SOCIETY
The Roman
Catholic St. Joseph's Aid Society in the Parish of Formosa, Bruce County,
Ontario, was formed on March 6th, 1887. The aim was to provide insurance for
its members in the form of weekly benefits paid to sick members, and a funeral
benefit in case of the death of a member. Annual fees are paid to cover this
The oldest
living members at present are Frank Obermeyer, Hanover, who joined in 1915;
Harry Fedy, Formosa, 1919; Lawrence Voisin, St. Jacobs, 1925; Michael Weiler,
Hanover, 1927; John Kieffer, 1921; and Alfred Rettinger,
In 1979 there
were 205 members.
A social event
enjoyed by the members is their annual pork and sauerkraut supper. Harry
Opperman is now President and Dan Weiss, Secretary.
Banner of the Holy Name Society. Badge worn
by members of the Banner of the St. Joseph’s Aid Society.
St. Joseph’s Aid Society.
Formosa's first
Service Club, "The Formosa Lions" received their Charter on May 14th, 1977, with
the large number of fifty charter members. The Formosa Club was sponsored by the Mildmay Lions Club_
Beginning in
the spring of 1978, the Lions with the support of the community, built an outdoor
recreation facility to be used for skating in winter; for tennis, badminton, roller
skating and dancing in summer. A building adjoining the pad provides change and
rest rooms, equipment storage and lunch counter facilities. The new recreation facility has
been well attended
winter and summer, with the grand opening being held on June 22 and 23, 1979.
At the
District A9 Lions Convention in April 1979 at Port Elgin, the Formosa and District Lions Club
was presented with a special trophy, winning first rating in providing the most
outstanding project to its Community among forty clubs in District A9, in only its second year as a
The Lions have
made donations to different charities, have helped other clubs in special activities,
held a lottery with monthly draws, skate-a thons and auction sales.
Built by local
tradesmen, aided by volunteer help, the Formosa and Culross Community Memorial Hall was
officially opened on May 3rd, 1949. The Dedication and Unveiling of the Memorial
Plaque by Rev. J.A. Lenhard was followed by guest speakers, a concert presented by the pupils of Formosa Immaculate Conception
School, and a dance on both floors of the hall.
The building
is of cement block construction, the blocks being manufactured on site with a
cement-block machine bought by Herb Kuntz. It is a two-storey
building, upstairs having a polished hardwood floor, a lunch counter and bar_ Originally
there was a stage and dressing rooms. The lower floor contains a large banquet
room, kitchen, store rooms, rest rooms and furnace room. In 1949 it
was one of the largest halls in the area, and has always been well known for
excellent meals catered by the Formosa C.W.L.
Over the years
the Hall has served as a Community Centre for meetings, dances, weddings
and banquets. Renovations and improvements have been made, and in July, 1974, a 25th Anniversary weekend celebration was held with ball
tournaments on the adjacent diamond, dances, smorgasbord and beef barbecue.
The Formosa
Community Club is a 15-member committee which looks
after the operation and maintenance of the hall, parking lot and ball diamond.
For several years
the senior citizens of Formosa wished to form their own club. In 1973 Mrs. Rose Weiler approached Sister M. Jane Frances and requested her to organize the group.
Sister negotiated with New Horizons and
was able to obtain a substantial grant toward renovating the parish driving
shed. January 23, 1975 the men began work under the direction of Steve Kraemer. Edmund Meyer was in charge of electrical wiring. By September a
beautiful meeting place was ready, and formally opened September 7, 1975.
Every Tuesday the Formosa Leisure Club meets
for card games and social gatherings. Also, they enjoy many special occasions
such as anniversaries,
Christmas and Valentine Parties. The ladies quilt for pay during the winter to help defray cost of
maintenance of Leisure Hall. Thus many opportunities are provided for sharing each others company.
The Formosa Leisure Club began with a
membership of fifty-four. Sister M. Jane
Frances was elected the first president and served four years. She was succeeded by Leo J Weber. Many
members are active on several
committees that efficiently run the club.
citizens for many years had the vision of having its own firefighting
equipment. in 1941 a group of men proposed the establishment of a local
brigade. A committee of twelve was set up to investigate and proceed with the
idea. Herb Kuntz and Paul Heisz were the leaders of
this venture. Albin Hauck, Leander Beninger, Fred
Kraemer, Ed Weiler, Albert Schnurr,
Chris Schnurr, Albert Poechman,
John Kieffer, Anthony Weber and Andrew Opperman formed
the balance of the original committee.
A new
trailer-pumper and twelve hundred feet of hose were purchased. The former E.F.
Oberle store building was bought and converted into a
fire hall. Formosa Brewery donated a roof-top electric siren.
Money to
finance the project was raised by holding dances, card parties and draws.
Chris Schnurr became the fire chief.
A 40,000 gallon concrete underground water tank built on the
church property is all that remains as proof of this interesting venture.
In 1961 both
Carrick and Culross townships procured mobile fire tankers
and pumpers to protect all properties within their jurisdiction. The Carrick
portion of Formosa village is now fire-serviced by Mildmay-manned
Carrick Fire Department. The Culross portion is
likewise serviced by the Teeswater-manned Culross
Fire Department.
The Formosa
unit was disbanded. The property was sold and some $5,000. which had
accumulated in the fund was distributed among various community projects.
Herb Kuntz, on the left, and Walter Heisz with the Formosa Fire Engine. Paul Heisz and Herb
Kuntz shown with the Formosa Fire Engine pulled by Herb’s car.
Formosa Union Band
Here are three
pictures of the Formosa Union Band, a well-organized group who had regular
practices and provided lively music at many special functions. They used to lead the Corpus Christi
Procession, played at picnics and celebrations, and also
travelled to neighbouring villages for the pleasure
and enjoyment of many.