Phi Apiaria et Domos Avium
(Golden Ratio Beehives and Bird Houses)
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Beekeeping in urban areas is becoming a popular hobby. Traditional Langstrom hives may not be as suitable as Top Bar hives in the urban setting. Top Bar hives come in many dimensions and configurations. The Golden Ratio Beehive is one of the many designs. Standardization of hive dimensions and configurations is very desirable to enable interchangeability of hive pieces. Eliese Watson, Founder, Apiaries and Bees for Communities, has chosen the Golden Ratio Beehive as her standard design for Top Bar hives.
According to the designer of the Golden Mean Beehive, Corwin Bell of Eldorado Springs, Colorado, The Golden Mean top bar hive was developed “after noticing how productive the bees were in hives that Corwin had built that were in Golden Mean proportion. In the Golden Mean hive, the bees tend to be more productive in drawing out combs resulting in more honey production.” These hives are available from of Eldorado Springs, Colorado. Golden Mean top bar hives are made in Calgary by Ed Kuntz.
Bird Houses are shaped according to the Golden Mean as well.
Bee Hive Ordering and payment instructions are found on the Bee Hive Order Form.
Bird House Ordering and payment instructions are found on the Bird House Order Form.
You will be notified by e-mail when your order is ready. You will need to make arrangements for pickup. Order your bee hives as early as possible to ensure availability prior to the arrival of your bee packages.